The Walsh College, Troy Campus, hosted the third annual Entrepreneur-YOU Women’s Business Plan and Pitch Competition on October 10, 2014. Winner Julie Andreae of Secure Beginnings Breathable Crib Mattresses will receive free legal services from Strobl & Sharp. The counseling will focus on growing her business – taking on investors, distribution and other agreements, employment contracts, succession and estate planning and more.
“My jaw dropped when I heard the women making pitches,” said attorney Leslie Stein, Strobl & Sharp’s representative at the event. “They were impressive. I left feeling energized and excited about the success these women will have and their potential for employing many other women (and men) as their businesses grow.”
Andreae also received a cash award of $9,400 for her second place win in the growth category. The Secure Beginnings revolutionary crib mattresses allow a baby to breathe freely through the open celled sleep surface, resulting in safer, more comfortable sleep. They contain no harmful chemicals found in conventional and organic crib mattresses. The crib mattress sleep surface can be easily removed and laundered in a washer and dryer.
Pediatric sleep disorder specialists endorse and use the breathable crib mattresses in their clinics. To learn more about the company and its products, visit: http://securebeginnings.com/index.php.
Nine Michigan female entrepreneurs presented their business plans and pitches to a panel of judges at the competition, vying for a portion of more than $75,000 in cash and in-kind support. Along with Walsh College, the other collaborators behind Entrepreneur-YOU were the Michigan Women’s Foundation and Inforum Michigan. Funding for the competition came from Fifth Third Bank, Ford Motor Company Fund and DTE Foundation.